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The Istanbul Glass 2019圆满落幕 | 这边风景独好
日期:2019/3/11 作者:豫科光学

2019年土耳其国际玻璃工业展览会(The Istanbul Glass 2019)--世界玻璃行业展览会,今日落下帷幕。短短四天的展会,豫科玻璃收获颇丰,在国际舞台上充分展现出自身优势及实力。通过这次展会与世界各地玻璃行业的厂商有了一次近距离的交流机会,点燃了各国采购商和贸易商的热情。

The top of world's exhibition for the glass industry-- Istanbul Glass 2019,  ends today. In the four days, Yuke Glass gains a lot and shows its own advantages and power on the global stage. On this exhibition, we have a close communication with some glass manufacturers from all over the world, which ignited the enthusiasm of buyers and traders from all over the world.



On the exhibition, Yuke Glass displays the new type of glass frosting powder, frosting equipment and anti-glare(AG) glass processing project. The new type of oil sands anti-fingerprint glass effect samples are warmly welcomed because of its shining visual effect like a diamond under the light and strong three-dimensional sense. The new products of Yuke Glass—snow effect frosting powder, is highlight among visitors, attract great attention and push the atmosphere higher. 




Although this exhibition only lasts for four days, Yuke Glass exhibition  attracted a large number of visitors to consult, they showed strong interest in frosting powder, frosting equipment and anti-glare (AG) glass.The visitors are keep on increasing on the fourth day! 



Good time is always short, four days meeting is passing away! In these four days, we are honored to witness this grand event of the world's glass industry. Although reluctant to say goodbye. Life is always moving, nothing can be kept still and all kinds of things have their own time. We can’t refuse the time river to move on.  But the short departure is for better meeting in the future! Let's hope for the next meeting in 2020!  See you next time!
